123 BT curve disappear
 Public Forums   Started by Alexandre Granget   2022-05-29 12:11:27 +02:00   Comments: 2    Viewed: 4046

  1. Hi,

    I have the 123 Ignition Bluetooth on my VW T2. I imported the curve that I had on my previously 123 Ignition.

    When I stop my bus and I start it hours later the curve disappear on the app. It says " No curve read". I always must open the curve before driving. It's quite annoying.

    Is there something I do it wrong?

    kind regards
    Alexandre Granget, 2022-05-29 12:11:27 +02:00
  2. Leen APK
    Leen APK Administrator Staff Member
    Hi Alex,

    It sounds like you are not saving the curve to the distributor. When you set up the curve, do you "write" it to the distributor?

    For more information, you can look at the following tutorial:https://youtu.be/238yP7Oh5Mw

    kind regards,
    Leen APK, 2022-06-07 08:38:51 +02:00
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