How work Idle control
 Public Forums   Commencé par Nick85   2017-07-03 09:39:51 +02:00   Commentaires: 3    Vu: 8534

  1. Nick85
    Nick85 Member
    Good morning, I've bought an 123/FIAT-2R ignition. On the installation manual I can read that the curve 1 is the same of 0 with "Idle control" more. Can you explain to me how Idle control works? Thank you Regards Nicola
    Nick85, 2017-06-29 08:15:26 +02:00
  2. Leen APK
    Leen APK Administrator Membre du staff
    When you give the engine a bit more advance the RPM will go up, and when you give the engine a bit retard, the RPM will go down. This way, by adjusting the timing a bit, the 123ignition can stabilize the RPM (a bit). This way you can 'control the idle'. Best regards, Leen
    Leen APK, 2017-07-02 17:43:19 +02:00
  3. Nick85
    Nick85 Member
    Thank you! :)
    Nick85, 2017-07-03 09:39:51 +02:00
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