123/Tune distributor cap loose
 Public Forums   Commencé par Tom B   2018-10-13 07:42:42 +02:00   Commentaires: 3    Vu: 8727

  1. Tom B
    Tom B Member
    Hi there, I have a 123/tune usb on a rover sd1 engine. I recognised that the distributor cap is quite loose, I can easily move and turn it a little, springs are mount well and the fix point is set up right. Just seems like the diameter doesn’t fit well. Is this normal? Are all like this? To my experience on other cars those caps sit totally tight. Thanks for help! Kind regards Thomas
    Tom B, 2018-09-23 11:10:28 +02:00
  2. Leen APK
    Leen APK Administrator Membre du staff
    Dear Thomas, this is normal and not a problem. Best regards, Leen
    Leen APK, 2018-10-11 11:57:46 +02:00
  3. Tom B
    Tom B Member
    Thanks Leen! Good to know. Engine is running perfectly fine with it, I was just wondering if that is right.
    Tom B, 2018-10-13 07:42:42 +02:00
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