Questions 124 Spider
 Public Forums   2016-07-15 13:29:37 +02:00   Commentaires: 2    Vu: 7509

  1. 1. I setup the 123 ignition in my Fiat 124 2000 an it works fine. I adjust it with the LED. Start und runs nice. I checked the advance with the stroboscope and have nothing to change. Is the advance (10°) preset ? 2. Its possible to get a geardrive from you so it is faster to test with different ignintionsystems. (or you know where to get one).
    , 2016-06-25 14:40:13 +02:00
  2. Leen APK
    Leen APK Administrator Membre du staff
    Dear Mr. Hahn, Sorry for our late answer. We tend to react quickly by e-mail and phone... To answer your questions: 1. between 8 - 10 degrees is OK 2. We are very sorry but we can't help you with the geardrivel. Best regards, Leen
    Leen APK, 2016-07-15 13:29:37 +02:00
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