Lost Facilities in the Tune+
 Public Forums   2019-06-09 22:33:25 +02:00   Comments: 2    Viewed: 10524

  1. Hi, Does anybody else regret the loss of the "Stop Watch" facility on the Rev Counter dial which was in the 123Tune but is not on the 123Tune+. This prevents us from testing the effect of changes to the advance curve on the road. Also the facility to change between 2 curves has been lost (No yellow wire). Therefore if you do not have a working Apple/OS device, you can't change curves. They seem to have assumed we will always have a bluetooth device with us, but who knows what systems our phones etc will use in 10 years time. Bluetooth could be long gone with the rapid advances in technology.
    , 2016-05-25 22:05:49 +02:00
  2. 356Coupe
    356Coupe Member
    Yes, missing this Feature quite a lot. Maybe some one like to talk to the Development. In you do, please ask them for a Session logger - Max rpm since reset on the app - Max Speed ... This would be easy to develop and great to see when racing. Thanks.
    356Coupe, 2019-06-09 22:33:25 +02:00
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