No Spark- 1974 BMW 2002
 Public Forums   Started by 02Scoob   2018-03-30 15:07:57 +02:00   Comments: 2    Viewed: 7820

  1. 02Scoob
    02Scoob Member
    I sent an email to the manufacturer today, but also noticed that there is a forum feature here as well, so I figure it's worth a try. I have a 1974 BMW 2002 that 'Ran When Parked' last fall. It has a freshly rebuilt (less than 1000km) engine that the distributor was installed new on, so the distributor is as new as the motor. After sitting for the winter (with the battery removed on a trickle charger), The car would not start. Absolutely zero changes done to setup in that timeframe, so there should be no loss in timing, curves were still uploaded and ideal. Things checked- Immobilizer is off. Grounds are good. Pertronix Flamethrower 3 ohm coil was checked, and appeared OK with a multimeter. Plugs are in good condition. Wires are in great condition. Distributor is seeing power (able to connect via bluetooth, and the light blinks when the ignition is in 'run' Replaced the coil with a brand new Bosch Blue unit as recommended on this site, still no spark. Replaced coil-to-distributor- good. Cap- Good Rotor-also appears good. Battery, good. I can't think of anything (nor can the rest of the 02 community over on the FAQ it seems) as to what it can be other than an issue with the distributor... but I'm open to suggestions. So far I've missed out on 5 weekends of driving and spent upwards of a hundred euro troubleshooting, would love solve this issue once and for all.
    02Scoob, 2018-03-30 15:02:07 +02:00
  2. 02Scoob
    02Scoob Member
    Trouble-shooting thread over on the FAQ-
    02Scoob, 2018-03-30 15:07:57 +02:00
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