123 ignition fitting
 Public Forums   Started by berlinette   2018-07-21 07:23:43 +02:00   Comments: 3    Viewed: 7126

  1. berlinette
    berlinette Member
    Can anyone please advise. I’ve spent all of today attempting to fit and start my car with the 123 ignition + unit with no luck. Tried another coil. Same result, the car will not fire up. Have followed all instructions to the letter. Am I supposed to enter advance points into the app before trying to start the car or are these already mapped in. My distributor was converted to a 123 unit and is a Ducellieur item. Regards,
    berlinette, 2018-07-20 17:35:07 +02:00
  2. IN2VWS
    IN2VWS Member
    What car are you fitting it too?
    IN2VWS, 2018-07-21 00:02:40 +02:00
  3. berlinette
    berlinette Member
    Alpine Renault A110 1600. This is the 1565cc unit based on the Renault 16TS engine. The original Ducellieur 4266 distributor has been converted to 123Ignition. Thanks
    berlinette, 2018-07-21 07:23:43 +02:00
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