mounting 123 in Classic mini 998
 Vraagbaak   Started by Ben   2017-05-14 13:35:35 +02:00   Comments: 2    Viewed: 8149

  1. Ben
    Ben Member
    Hello, I mount the 123 Tune+ USB in my classic 998 supercharged mini, at TDC, the rotor show around 11 o'clock position (I believed it should be the 2 o'clock position at TDC ?) Moreover, I tried to start my engine before load any curve in my distributor 123, but it has not started, what do you think about it ? (engine already started with my old distributor), I know i have to wait to get an USB cable and load a good curve before doing another test... Thanks in advance ! Benoit.
    Ben, 2017-05-08 08:18:57 +02:00
  2. Ben
    Ben Member
    I found the solution, my rotor was in good direction but for the cylinder 4 ! I turn it to 180° to point to cylinder 1, it is now working, and I put a curve inside, its OK ! I have now an overheat problem but it's another subject... If it can help someone
    Ben, 2017-05-14 13:35:35 +02:00
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